Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Most Spiritual Mall in America

I've never been a loner. In Kindergarden Lina and I were inseperable, I mean it was like she was the Oreo and I was the Milk. In grade school Lina moved and I met Elizabeth. Forget it, when we did math homework I did the addittion she did the subtraction. Needless to say, I don't need a calculator to add but do ask me to subtract, you might be off by one or two. When High school rolled around I met my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Lily. When we graduated she moved to California to go to UCLA, and I felt as if I had my right arm amputated. I had to re-learn how to do just about everything by myself.

So I did what any girl does when she needs some peace to think over the complexity of life...I went to the mall. As I walked along the hallways of the mall lost in my thoughts (while still keeping an open eye out for a good sale of course) two girls approached me. They asked if i could help them with a survey. "No" I responded bluntely, but they persisted. "Please, it'll be real quick". I ignored them and walked faster. Then she yelled out to me "God, want to tell you something!" I stopped right in my tracks. Now I must admit I've never been much of church goer but i've always believed in God and even prayed every night before I went to sleep like my grandma taught me. Yet for some reason though words resonated throughout my whole body.

I've now been in the Truth for a year, and thanks to our Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Our Mother New Jerusalem, I may have lost one friend but i gained 144,000 of the most amazing, awesome, inspiring, and utterly incredible family members that I could have never imagined on my own. The way I felt about Lina and Elizabeth is not even comparable to the overwhelming joy of being in Zion with my sisters.

Comment on your favorite moments

with sisters in Zion!


Anonymous said...

Dear Silver Wings,

God bless you sister! When I read your blog, it reminded me of when I first came Zion. I've learned that whenever I lose some anything for the sake of the gospel, God replaces the lost with many things great. In the end, we really have not lost anything or anyone, but have gained EVERYTHING.

We are going to Heaven!

God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Family Full of Love

In our lifetime we seek for that complete happiness which do not exist in this world. Thru our friends, things of the world, money, but that's all nothing.

Heavenly Father and Mother gave me the best Family ever, I never experienced the love that I receive from my Brothers and Sisters in Zion.

Each and one of them is so precious because they are children of True God Almighty.

We certainly don't lose anything at all. Not only do we gain Eternal Life, but a Precious and Beautiful Heavenly Family full of Love taught by Our Father and Mother.

Heavenly Father Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem Thank You so much for allowing me to be part of this Heavenly Family you create. Help us to be united until the end.

We Love You!!!

Anonymous said...

The bible says though our beginnings seem humble, so will our future be prosporous. I know why God said we should be thankful in ALL circumstances....even though situations sometimes seem bad, if we thank God and trust in Elohim-the outcome will NEVER be bad! :-) Thank you Father Ahnsanghong and Mother Jerusalem! Even though this sinful world is so hard to bear sometimes, I know because of you I have the kingdom of heaven waiting for me!!!!I can't wait to play for eternity!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless you sister! Your fragrance reminds of the day when Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother rescued me from this world in the mall. During that time in my life I also felt like everything was tumbling on me, but to my surprise God had different plans for me.
Thanks and praises be always to our heavenly Father Christ Ahn Sang Hong for coming to save me.
Father and Mother I love YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I feel so much sisterly love reading the comments that my beautiful sisters write.

I can tell that we are one mind because we all feel the same about meeting each other. Even though everyone came from different walks of life, nationalities, cultures, generations, and more, when we get together it's like we didn't skip a beat from where we left off 6,000 years ago.

I thank our Father and Mother Christ AhnSahngHong and Jersulem for uniting us again. This time we will learn the love of our Heavenly Mother and become united.

Anonymous said...

I'll never forget the day I came to zion for the first time, all my life I never really fit in. I wasn't the typical girl, I liked football and action movies, i was a true tomboy. But when I stepped into church of God for the first time I felt like I was home. Sister Meridith was the first to talk to me. Her smile was sooo bright I instantly felt comfortable. When they showed me the truth I was floored I got baptized right away. Ever since then I realized we dont have to be the same to be family. THe fact that we have the same Father and Mother is the one true way we become family and the differences we may have make the experience all the more rich and interesting and fun! Thanks to Father Christ Ahnsahnghong for letting me know where I truly belong!

Unknown said...

All praises be to the Heavenly Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Jerusalem Mother.
Thank you for God's love to lead us get together in zion being the everlasting life.

Anonymous said...

One day i was feeling a little down, i felt a little lonely. I decided to takea walk in the park to clear my head alittle. When I got there I saw a friend from highschool sitting on a bench reading the bible. We got into a conversation about what we were up to and she said she was going to a new church. I was little surprized because I was the church goer back in the day and she definitley wasn't. Anyway we started talking about Mother God and I was was amazed it made perfect sense that there should be a Mother God but I had just not seen it ever. Then she asked me to go to church right at that moment, i said sure whey not. Ever since then my eyes have been opened wide. My friend and i were close in highschool but now I can say we are true sisters. Now i dont ever feel lonely anymore, I have my Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother with me always and a ton of brothers and sisters!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Christ AhnSahngHong and Mother Jerusalem for reuniting us as spiritual family in these physical realms.

"We are family; I got all my sisters with me!" Well...almost!

The DragonFly Effect

Anonymous said...

Everytime im in Zion i share beautiful experiences with my sisters! Just seeing their faces full of joy automatically makes my day fantastic! Thanks to Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem for letting me reunite with my heavenly Family again after 6000 years! Cant wait to go to heaven and visit all of my brothers and sisters galaxies!

Short144 said...

Yes, it's true, there is no place like Zion. What gets me going when coming to Zion is the beautiful smiles and greetings the heavenly family give when coming there. After such a long strenuous day at work, it truly feels like coming home when I go to Zion.

Anonymous said...

God bless you sister~
I am a member of Church of God in Korea. Father and Mother has gather us after 6000 years, they made us part of the Heavenly Family
. Under Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother we are all one.
I hope you bear good fruit.^^
I love you ♥

Anonymous said...

God bless you.